How to Create File Slider Shortcode In Dropbox? | CodeConfig
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How to Create File Slider Shortcode In Dropbox?

File Manager for Dropbox (Formerly Integrate Dropbox) Slider Carousel lets you create a stunning file slideshow straight from your Dropbox files. Makes your website stays fast and looks awesome.

Step 1: Create Shortcode For File Slider

Go to File Manager for Dropbox > Shortcode Builder > Add New Shortcode

create shortcode

Step 2: Pick Slider Carousel Module

Select the Slider Carousel module from the list of available options.

slider shortecode

Step 3: Configure the Source

The selected folder or files will appear in the ‘Items Selected‘ panel on the right, then click Next.

slider file select

Step 4: Configure the Advanced

Slide Width: Defines the width of each carousel slide.

  • Accepted Values: Any valid CSS unit (e.g., 360px, 70%, 80vw)
  • Default Value: Empty (inherits default styling)

Slide Height: Defines the height of each carousel slide.

  • Accepted Values: Any valid CSS unit (e.g., 360px, 70%, 80vh)
  • Default Value: Empty (inherits default styling)

Slide Type: Select the type of slider to be used.

  • Normal Slider (Standard sliding behavior)
  • Center Mode (Keeps the active slide in the center)

Slides Per Page: Defines how many slides will be displayed per page based on different screen sizes.

  • Large Desktop: Screens wider than 1200px
  • Desktop: Screens between 992px - 1200px
  • Laptop: Screens between 768px - 992px
  • Tablet: Screens between 576px - 768px
  • Mobile: Screens smaller than 576px

Default Value: 5 (for large desktops)

Slide To Scroll: Determines how many slides move when scrolling.

  • Accepted Values: Any whole number
  • Default Value: 1

Rounded: Enables or disables rounded corners on slides.

Gap: Defines the spacing between slides.

  • Accepted Values: Any pixel value (e.g., 10, 15, 20)
  • Default Value: 15px

Loop: Enables infinite looping of slides.

Slide Autoplay: Enables automatic sliding of the carousel.

Autoplay Speed:

  • Accepted Values: Any whole number (milliseconds)
  • Default Value: 3000ms (3 seconds)

Show Overlay: Enables an image overlay effect.
Slide Dots Navigation: Enables dot-based navigation controls.
Slide Arrows Navigation: Enables arrow-based navigation controls.

slider carousel advanced

Step 5: Configure the Permission

Permission  allows administrators to control access to the Slider Carousel module.

  • Everyone – All users can access.
  • Logged Users – Only logged-in users can access.
  • Roles – Restrict access to specific WordPress roles.
  • Users – Grant access to selected users.

Show Access Denied Message: Displays a message for unauthorized users.

Now Click Finished. Great you have created Slider Carousel module.

Permission Tab

Step 6: Insert Shortcode to Your Page or Post

Go to Pages > Add New Paste the shortcode into the editor (Classic, Gutenberg, or Elementor) and Publish.

Paste your Shortcode


slider resultAlso Read: