How to Create Media Player Shortcode in Dropbox? | CodeConfig
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How to Create Media Player Shortcode in Dropbox?

File Manager for Dropbox makes it easy to add and play audio and video files on your WordPress site. With our Media Player Module, you can play your Dropbox files right on your page, no need for extra tools just upload and play.

Step 1: Create Shortcode For File Uploader

Go to File Manager for Dropbox > Shortcode Builder > Add New Shortcode

create shortcode

Step 2: Pick Media Player Module

Select the Media Player module from the list of available options.

Media player module

Step 3: Configure the Source

The selected folder or files will appear in the ‘Items Selected‘ panel on the right, then click Next.

Media player source

Step 4: Configure the Advanced

The Advanced allows fine-tuning of the player’s appearance and functionality.

Video Player Width: Set the video player width in percentage. Keep blank for the default value. Users can specify values such as 50%, 75%, or 100% to adjust the player’s size relative to its container.

Show Next & Previous: Show/hide the Next and Previous buttons in the player. Enables navigation between media items in the playlist.

Show/Hide Playlist: Show/hide the playlist in the player. When hidden, only the currently playing media file will be displayed, creating a minimalistic interface.

Opened Playlist: The playlist be opened by default when the media player loads. If enabled, users will immediately see the list of media files available for playback.

Show Thumbnail: Show/hide the thumbnail in the playlist. Enabling this feature enhances visual navigation by displaying preview images of audio or video files.

Show Number Prefix: Show/hide the numeric prefix in the playlist items. When enabled, each media item in the playlist is numbered sequentially, making it easier for users to identify tracks or videos in order.

Show Download Button: Show/hide the Download button in the playlist. When enabled, users can download media files directly from the media player.

Playlist Position: Select the playlist position in the player. Available options include:

  • Left: Displays the playlist to the left of the player.
  • Right: Displays the playlist to the right of the player.
  • Bottom: Positions the playlist below the media player (default setting).

Background Color: Pick the primary color for the media player. Color setting affects both the admin panel and frontend file browser modules.

Text Color: Pick the primary color for the file browser text. This setting applies to both the admin and frontend interfaces.

media player advanced

Step 5: Configure the Permission

Permission  allows administrators to control access to the Media Player module.

  • Everyone – All users can access.
  • Logged Users – Only logged-in users can access.
  • Roles – Restrict access to specific WordPress roles.
  • Users – Grant access to selected users.

Show Access Denied Message: Displays a message for unauthorized users.

Now Click Finished. Great you have created Media Player module.

Permission Tab

Step 6: Insert Shortcode to Your Page or Post

Go to Pages > Add New Paste the shortcode into the editor (Classic, Gutenberg, or Elementor) and Publish.

add new post


Media player result
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